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Both podcast evaluation

Updated: Feb 25

Podcast 1 was originally planned to be about the Formula E Mahindra team's AI influencer, which talks about the controversy of it, but then was later changed to being a review of the Uncharted movie with comparisons to the Uncharted game. It was changed to this due to the lack of time and as group members had changed. However, when it came to the day of filming the people in my group were not in and I did not feel capable of filming a 30-minute podcast about Uncharted on my own, so instead I decided to change the subject to something I know a lot about; F1. I asked some other people to film with me and we chose the F1 2024 calendar to discuss and then we went to record. With little time to prepare, we went off-topic and discussed things like safety innovations in F1.

So going into the second podcast, with a longer time to plan, film, and edit, we chose a subject which was the experience of female fans in F1, and we did a lot more research, decided our segments and talking points, and then scripted an intro, outro as well as some moments between segments. So in the end the recording of the 2nd podcast went smoother, we didn't stray from our topic and therefore there was less editing needed. We also had a guest which improved the quality of the podcast.

Here's the link to the 2nd podcast:

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