Rob Carlyle X, goes on walks around Nottingham, talks about Nottingham wildlife. (maybe biased)
Visit Nottinghamshire
BBC radio Nottingham
Andrew Topping ex journalist
Navtej Johal midlands correspondent for BBC News
Peter Bearne education Correspondent for ITV News midlands
Olimpia Zagnet BBC senior journalist
Laycie Beck Nottinghamshire Live reporter
Ben Reid Nottinghamshire Live
Nottinghamshire live
Nottingham Local news
BBC Nottingham
Nottingham city council and county council (biassed but also factual in some senses, interesting to hear their opinions even if
they are biassed)
Census and city records
Pride in an area will make people look after it builds up an area. If its clean people will be more inclined to look after it.
The question:
Is Nottingham in decline or on the up?
Signs of decline:
Perspective of young people
Gentrification of Nottingham?
Stabbings/violent crime
Signs of improvement (good things):
Christmas market
Nottingham forest
Theatre and entertainment
International students and diversity
How Nottingham is viewed:
Robin Hood
The history of crime here
The council
Nottingham Central Library:
All local authorities (councils) have to, by law, provide a library service, since 1964 with 'The Public Libraries and Museums Act'.
Since 2010, when 'austerity' became govermnet policy, councils have had hundreds of millions of pounds stripped from their budget. Half a trillion pounds of public spending has been lost since 2010, Nottingham was amongst hardest hit by funding cuts, with a £30 million (29%) reduction in its main government grant, and has lost £18 million (5.5%) against a 1.8% national reduction in 'spending power'.
Library services have inevitably been cut across the UK, the number of UK libraries dropping by more than 17% from 4482 to 3718, 764 libraries closed.
Nottingham closed its central library in March 2020. Opened new central library 28th November 2023, with no central library for 3 years.
Libraries help people who can't afford books and a good education, but are also a hub for a community.
People contacted:
Nadia Whittome MP for Nottingham East
Lilian Greenwood MP for Nottingham South
Alex Norris MP for Nottingham North
Darren Henry MP for Broxtowe
Ruth Edwards MP for Rushcliffe
Bromley House Library
Nottingham Central Library
Nottingham Bankruptcy research:
Local authority issued section 114 notice, cannot deliver on its legal requirement to balance its budget this year. Failed attempt of Robin Hood Energy in 2020. £23 million overspend.
Nottingham Central Library:
Opened on 28th November 2023, after original central library closed in 2020. Nottingham was without a central library for 3 years.