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B1: Pre-production


Could do vox pops to ask people what they think the future holds for celebrity journalism 

Interview a celebrity journalist 

Interview a historian who knows about celebrity journalism 

Quick talk about the past, celebrity journalism being coined as a term, focus in on people magazine 

Then to present interview a current celebrity journalist, ask about what it is like now and ask them to make predictions for the future 

Do vox pops to see what people think the future holds for celebrity journalism

Make my conclusion about what the future is 

Past, present and future of celebrity journalism 

Celebrity journalism through time:


Celebrity journalism gained traction in the 1970s with the rise of tabloids and celebrity gosssip

People Magazine founded on March 4th 1974, weekly celebrity and human interest magazine, first issue had Actress Mia Farrow on the cover, and delved into the Great Gatsby actresses' personal live, setting future precedent for celebrity journalism

CNN described 1974 as 'A year of pop culture chaos'

People Magazine:

People magazine covers 'extraordinary people doing ordinary things and ordinary people doing extraordinary things'.

Many celebrities had graced the cover of People magazine, and that felt like the moment they had 'made it' in their careers

'People' has a close relationship with celebrities, some have chosen to open up to People magazine about their personal hardships

Princess Diana was on the cover of the magazine 59 times

Show politicians in a way that they aren't typically viewed

'Sexiest man alive' tradition started in 1985

The magazine is very popular and said to be one of the most requested for time capsules

Today, alongside their magazine issues people have a social media presence with 1.28M Youtube subscribers, 13.7million Instagram followers and is 7th in the top 100 largest US magazines, with a circulation of 2,540,107 as of 31s December 2023. They also do many interesting interviews with celebrities and non celebrities aswell as news stories.


Tabloid magazines

Scandals and gossip

Paparazzi, invasion of privacy

Personal lives of celebrities

Celebrity news sources:


Perez Hilton


The Hollywood Reporter


LAD Bible

Rolling Stone ect.

BBC Radio


Social media posing a risk to celebrity journalism

Social media always everyone to be there own brand, there's not as much need for a publicist or journalist, likewise anyone can be a journalist.


Social media is challenging mainstream media with a wider range of voices and perspectives

The way celebrities are covered reflects society

The endorsements of brands, marketing and product promotion

Celebrities' images are tightly managed through social media, many celebrities don't post themselves, its less authentic, whereas influencers might. It is harder for journalists to get stories.

Journalism can be used as a way of promotion rather than truth seeking.


AI, deepfakes, increase in fake news, which can damage the career of celebrities , or the wrongdoings of some celebrities can easily be covered up and won't be revealed through journalism


3 PTCs 1 about each time 

A conclusion about the future

Interview with source 

An intro with clips from videos and screenshots of news articles from celebrity journalism over the past 50 years 

Vox pops?



Looking back

  • Celebrity journalism gained traction in the 1970s, with tabloid magazines like The Star and People being founded in the year.

  • People magazine's inaugural issue featured actress Mia Farrow from The Great Gatsby

  • Tabloids started emerging

Present times:

  • Celebrities social media closely managed, not as easy to find out information about them, journalists jobs are harder, restricted information, controlled public images

  • Due to social media anyone can be a journalist, its not just magazines and companies with money and resources, its regular people with phones

  • AI is starting to have an impact

  • Print magazines are dying off and have transferred online, but magazines like People are still popular in print because of the novelty and quality

  • Most of celebrity journalism is now conducted on podcasts, in documentaries and on social media

  • However it is quite exclusive as celebrities don't agree to many interviews and only talk to certain publications, so it would be hard for most people to get an interview with a celebrity for their story

  • Celebrities have huge societal impact and can set trends and cause change. Journalism can act as a way for celebrities to do this, whether its fashion or lifestyle or product promotion

  • Magazines have transitioned into the digital age and have invested more in social media, like Wired with their popular YouTube Autocomplete interviews, GQ Actually Me series and Buzzfeed's puppy and kitten interviews. These serve as journalism, showing a new insight into the celebrities but are also entertaining and engaging for the audience, and are a new way of journalists adapting to the time of low attention spans where things must catch the attention of the viewers

  • Paparazzi were a key part of celebrity journalism in the 1990s-2000s. They invaded the privacy of celebrities, and often the photos taken by paparazzi would end up in tabloids for celeb gossip. However, in 2024 many celebrities call paparazzi on themselves to stay relevant,(such%20as%20gossip%20magazines).

  • Social media is very prominent in celebrity journalism

What's ahead?:

  • More impact from AI, it may replace writers and may pose a risk to truth

  • Might be less need for journalism as celebrities manage their own press and brand

  • Print celebrity journalism may go extinct


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