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Future of journalism Research

Updated: 4 hours ago

Topic ideas:

F1 coverage




Vox pops/street interviews/public opinion


Celebrity journalism

Research 1974, 2024, trends and future

F1 coverage:


F1 has been broadcast on British Tv since 1950, the first live race was the 1953 British Grand Prix on BBC. 

Between 1950 and 1980 races were rarely shown live in their entirety, instead highlights were broadcast on ITV or BBC.

From 1979 BBC had exclusive broadcast rights for F1 in the UK, commentary of Murray Walker, and coverage of the races grew. By the early 1990s, the majority of races were broadcast live. 


Broadcasting is a huge part of the F1 World and allows an average of 70.3 million viewers worldwide per Grand Prix as of 2021.

Many countries in the world broadcast F1, in some countries F1 is free to watch, in others it is hidden behind a paywall. F1 TV is the home of international F1 TV coverage, exists behind a paywall and offers exclusive footage from archives.


One big trend is that audiences are growing. Especially through the popular Netflix show 'Drive to Survive', as coverage expanded, the audience grew from the 1990s and with the Netflix show there was a spike in fans, which lead to more demand for content. Soon every race was live to watch and because of the high demand, broadcasters were able to put it behind a paywall. However there are more and more things for fans except live races. Challenges (Grill the Grid), and Ted's Notebook as well as a strong social media presence aimed at the younger generation means that the TV audience has grown massively as people get involved with not only the racing but the drivers. Everything a driver says or does is documented.




Media on demand

Viewers can access content whenever they want and have a large range of choice. They can catch up on news or broadcasts on apps.

In 1974 you would have had to watch the news when it was on and if you missed it you missed it.

60 Minutes TV show

In the UK there were 3 TV channels, BBC1, BBC2, and ITV in 1974.


In present time anyone can make a documentary with their phone, but in 1974 it would have been exclusively for news companies who had all of the expensive, hard-to-use equipment, who could make documentaries.

Documentaries are an important way to tell stories, as viewers can connect with the humans in the story, seeing and hearing them.

The internet allows for better research and fact gathering, to produce better quality documentaries.

AI may have a big influence on documentaries and some documentaries may be made by AI in the future, however documentaries made by humans, including humans and telling human's story will connect to people and may be more valued than they are now.

1974 documentaries:

The Family

Portugal: April 1974

Documentaries from the 70s were diverse and covered a wide range of topics.


How female rights movements have been covered in the media? Future movements?

How women are portrayed in the media?

Vox pops/public opinion:

Its importance and value in journalism.

TV street interviews and how they express the public opinion, how people could connect more with hearing what the normal person thinks, representation.



Ads are everywhere and fund what we watch

Something is either behind a paywall or comes with ads

Advertising has been in TV broadcasting for decades

Celebrity journalism:


The portrayal and idolisation of celebrities in media

Will celebrities have the same influence in the future?

How has the influence of celebrities changed from 1974 to now through journalism?

Celebrities vs influencers

Influence in journalism, key figures who have a big impact on culture and society


Pop culture

Abba win Eurovision

'Celebrity journalism' came around with the emergence of People magazine

The Star, a celebrity tabloid was founded

People Magazine founded with its first on March 4th 1974, as a weekly celebrity and human interest magazine. Actress Mia Farrow from The Great Gatsby was on the cover.

It delved into the actresses' personal life and set a precedent for celebrity journalism

The emegence of cinema and rise of Hollywood made celebrity journalism common, and saw the creation of tabloid magazines, with scandals and paparazzi.

News stories:

Stevie Wonder at his peak, his album "Fufillingness' First Finale" won a Grammy and "You Haven't Done Nothing" hit number 1

Elton John Number 1 single "Bennie and the Jets", number 1 album "Caribou"

Punk/New Wave movement emerging


"The Godfather Part II" huge success at box office, won best picture at Academy Awards

"Murder on the Orient Express"

"Benji" among top 10 box offices susccesses of 1974

"The Trial of Billy Jack", sequel to 1971 hit "Billy Jack", even more successful at Box Office, and helped pioneer the idea of the 'wide release' (when a film plays 600 or more features

"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" early example of slasher film, considered so violent many theathres droppped

"Watergate Wife"


Celebrities influence choices, start trends, almost everything they do is analysed, there is alot of attention, there are a large range of tabloids and with the digital media there is celebrity journalism everywhere.

Social media is challenging mainstream celebrity journalism with new and more diverse perspectives


There may be more regulations of paparazzi, there may be more interest in influencers and content creators, will celebrities still have the same influence and will celebrity journalism have the same impact? How will celebrity journalism be done?

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