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Future of Journalism Diary

Updated: 4 hours ago


Our brief was delivered and we first looked into what 1974 was like as we researched news from the year, compiled it into a short news package and delivered it to the class. This helped us gain knowledge and perspective of 1974 and how journalism may have played a part depending on what occurred in the year.

Later we researched the different mediums in journalism (TV, radio, podcasts, digital, ai) and I researched the history of podcasts and their impact in journalism. Then we started making generating ideas based on the brief and making initial notes.


I did some more research to find some more ideas. I wanted to focus on Tv and broadcasting through time. I tried to find some niches to focus on like F1 broadcasting, vox pops on TV, or documentaries/news packages. To get the right idea for my project I need to research my ideas to find my angle and scope. I made a spider diagram of possible topics for the documentary to help me visualise all of the ideas that I had so I could make a choice of topic.


I chose to do my piece on celebrity journalism. I researched its history and found out that the term 'celebrity journalism' was thought to be coined in 1974 and many celebrity magazines were founded in 1974 like People and The Star.


I conducted more research to build the foundations of the project. I looked back to 1974 and the origins of celebrity journalism as we know it. Then I tried to evaluate what celebrity journalism is like now, notice some trends from the past 50 years and some emerging things to predict the future of celebrity journalism. I started writing a script for the documentary, first with bullet points so I know what I need to discuss at each point. I decided to divide it into the intro, looking back, present times, what's ahead and outro. I started thinking about who I could interview, I watched a short news package about People magazine from their 50th anniversary this year.

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