The working title of your documentary. This one’s essential.
The Football Effect.
Logline. Explain what your story’s about in a couple of lines.
Include modes
The impact of football, uniting and dividing communities.
Observational, maybe participatory.
Explanation of act one. Where are we? What’s this documentary about? Who are the main characters? What do they want? What’s the setup?
Interview of someone who was helped in some way by football. B-roll of people playing football. Historical clips of football, the history and foundations, how anyone can play. Include a definition or football quote about the effect of community. First shows someone talking about football, a clip from the first interview, then a famous quote about football. Could also talk to a club manager about their experience and the community at the club.
Explanation of act two. What’s the conflict? Where’s the story going?
Shows the dark side of football, violence and gambling. interview of someone who suffered mentally as a result of football, depression or gambling addiction, or someone who was a victim of football violence. Act 1 and 2 are separated by b-roll or a screen that has text on it. Clips of news reports and articles about violence or gambling addiction, before and in between clips of the interviewee talking. Statement of an influential football person that violence has no place in football.
Explanation of act three. How does the documentary reach a resolution? What’s the climax?
Reminiscing of fond memories surrounding football from interviewees. Explains a bit more about the history and culture of football. Maybe interview a generational fan. Talk about generational fans, families supporting a club and passing it down. Rivalries between teams.
Final wrap-up. Where do we leave the ‘characters’? What happens at the very end? Is there an epilogue? (a final or concluding event)
Any final comments from interviewees, maybe screen of any information. Credits and any vital information about the filming of the documentary. Final message from filmmakers. Maybe credits before or during final messages.