What are your initial thoughts on the brief?
From the brief, I understand that I have to create a journalistic project in a chosen medium with a chosen subject. It must be carefully planned, with each step of the production documented, from idea generation to post-production and completion. It must also be thoroughly researched, ensuring that fact-checking is constantly done throughout the project. It must be ambitious and challenging to display all the skills you have learned so far and improve on your past work. It's important that it is relevant to the target audience as well as the time, and should be delivered to the highest standard possible. Evidence of the process must be constantly provided and must include the 5 assessment criteria; informing ideas, problem-solving, technical skills, professional practice, and communication. To document the project process, I will add to my FMP Diary blog piece and do weekly vlogs about my progress.
Which of the pathways will you start off exploring? Why?
I'm going to start exploring the subject of Motorsport which I'm very passionate about. I could do it about women in motorsport, maybe female drivers, or I could do it about a track or historic events in motorsport, or different topics to discuss in motorsport like the technical rules.
What further research do you think you need to do to help you generate ideas?
I will need to research the biggest topics in Motorsport and what needs to be addressed, aswell as what an audience would want to see.
What techniques, styles and software do you think you will begin looking at and experimenting with?
I will start looking at what different storytelling styles I can use in the documentary and techniques with lighting and angles. I will experiment with using Adobe Premier Pro for video editing Adobe Audition for audio editing and I will look at making graphics in Canva and maybe animating certain aspects.