Russian Elections:
Impact: It will impact people across the world 4
Human Interest: There are humans at the heart of this 3
Novelty: It was an expected result but it big news either way 3
Legs: The news will follow any events that occur as a result but also the conflict is not over 4
Tory Racism:
Impact: There is a massive issue here, there is institutional racism and that affects a lot of people 3
Human Interest: There are names and faces to this story 3
Novelty: Big news and very shocking but not very surprising 3
Legs: There may be more fallout as a result of this 3
Luton vs Forest:
Impact: It impacts the fans and the local communities of these clubs in some ways 3
Human Interest: There are football players, but no one is being badly affected 2
Novelty: Not surprising or big news, teams lose all the time 1
Legs: No story to follow really, the game is over 1
The Oscars:
Impact: It impacts fans of the event and the celebrities 2
Human Interest: Its about celebrities and movies that we may have watched 2
Novelty: It happens every year, but the stories that come from it are always different and some wins are unexpected, some who are tipped to win awards don't and vice versa 2
Legs: Its over now, but people may discuss it on social media for a few weeks after 1